by Chloe George
on 03/01/2022
As 2022 begins, the forecasted trends within the design industry are set to evoke a contrasting mix of nostalgia and futuristic styles.
To the future:
Following the last couple of years filled with ups and downs and a general air of uncertainty, it is no surprise designers and artists are looking to evoke feelings of a new dawn as we enter 2022. The cultural mood is a ‘reset’, a ‘refresh’ if you like. We are all exploring new ways to live our lives in unconstrained expression, where colour themes, modern graphic trends and fonts display just that.

The psychedelic trend is not new, and returns time and time again, however arresting colour palettes and non-conformative shapes and movements akin to an acid trip suggest an open-mindedness that is not bound by history but instead limitless moving into the future.
Working in harmony with psychedelic graphics, the holographic trend is also growing. With an already substantial presence in product and fashion design, the trend is becoming increasingly popular in web design and animation with the multidimensional high-gloss effect attributing to a futuristic feel. Complementing the holographic trend, 2022 will also see glass and crystal effects used more, with tangible hyper-realism similar to the 2021 trend of mimicking physical gold to add a luxe feel.

In terms of colour, Pantone have released their trend report for 2022, with bright and refreshing pastels combining with grounding neutral shades. Pantone state that “the collection reflects the juxtaposition between our need for calm and rest and our desire for spontaneity and excitement”. The 15 chosen shades remind us of a playfulness we wish to harness, while still comforting us with timeless and familiar earthy tones.

Familiarity does play a role in the trends set for 2022, with old design concepts revisited once again. Most notably, art deco is making a comeback, in contrast to the fluidity and movement of the many aforementioned design styles, with a principle of strong, clean aesthetics. First appearing in the early 20th century as a bold new statement against the Art Nouveau style that preceded it, Art Deco thrives on symmetry, geometric forms and bold outlines.

Other nostalgic trends coming to the forefront in 2022 include Paper cut-outs and the Riso-Print style. Both design styles originate from the East, from ancient China and mid-1980s Tokyo and display a child-like playfulness. Riso-print mirrors the vibrancy often found in the paper cut-out style, but also encourages slight imperfections such as colour bleed, and the busy overlapping of images reminiscent of the freedom of the futuristic and psychedelic trends we are seeing.
2022, overall, looks to be full of vivacity and boldness in the design world. Colours are cheerful and youthful, while styles are exuberant and harnessing a ‘to the future’ positivity. As we find ourselves fully immersed into the new ‘20’s’ era, it really does seem we are bringing a ‘roaring’ playfulness into full swing.

Trend reporting from the team at Eat With Your Eyes:
As foodie specialists, we enjoy taking the time to understand what feasts are in store right now! As part of our latest trip to London, we headed through the streets scouting out trends already making themselves known in bars and restaurants around the city.
A vivacious nature and unapologetic boldness was certainly predominant, with neon lights galore and a forthright use of slogans. Brewdog Soho emblazoned their walls with tongue in cheek puns in devilish red neons, and covered walls with paintings that lean into the psychedelic trend we’ve mentioned; trippy and against the ‘norm’.
Meanwhile, eateries such as Bong Bongs find the balance of nostalgia and looking to the future. Their menu campaign feels retro in styling, while the colours used are very in-tune with the Pantone trend forecast for playful and boisterous shades.
Inko Nito also taps into a child-like playfulness with a structure of Japanese soft-toys stood in the restaurant. Coining themselves as an ‘unconventional’ Japanese restaurant, Inko Nito are another restaurant to offer a fun and vibrant experience to the city.
Frenchie found itself at the other end of the spectrum offering a glimpse of timeless beauty with tiled flooring that evokes age and elegance. Covent Garden itself mixes periodic features with modern brands that gives an opportunity to enjoy how two eras can really become one.
Bio: Chloe George – Account Executive
With a degree in Film & Television studies, and a passion for writing and social media, Chloe loves to use her creative thinking to research, explore trends, and write.
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